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Viarexin Review: Does It Really Work?

by MaleEnhancement.org
Houston, we have a problem. Yes, millions of men around the globe and throughout the ages have all had to face a very simple and unpleasant fact as they pass their peak years which happens around the age of thirty. It's something they don't want to face and many of them just accept it as a part of getting older but there are many who recognize the problem and decide that they will not go quietly into that good night. This problem, as uncomfortable as it may be to think about, let alone talk about, is that all these men are beginning to feel the effects of their body's lost ability to produce testosterone at a high level. And, the most common and widely experienced symptom of that is their loss of sexual drive and increasing inability to get and keep a strong erection.
As mentioned, a high percentage of men who experience this drop off in libido and sexual function just accept it as a part of life and resign themselves to the fact that their sex lives will never return to what it once was - No more intense sex, no more deeply satisfied sex partners, no more sense of confidence in who they are as real men. Still, there is that smaller percentage of men who decide that this loss of much of what makes them the men they want to be is just not acceptable. And, no matter if these men have just begun to experience these problems or whether they have been living with the ever expanding effects of it for a long time, there is a way to overcome this problem and get themselves back to where they once were - it's called a male enhancement supplement.
Male enhancement supplements have been around for long time in one form or another. In early times they were generally concoctions made by shamans and medicine of every culture in every part of the world and usually consisted of various forms of plant extracts thought to have healing or restorative powers. As time progressed and explorers and traders began to spread these ingredients from one civilization to another researchers began to examine the properties of these ingredients and, not only did they begin to truly understand what made the best of these ingredients work, they began to create formulations that actually worked. Fast forward to today and what you have is a combination of science and medicine that truly understands why this problem afflicts men as they age but puts together the ingredients that will help them replace what they have lost.
With that in mind, we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our readers find the products that may be right for them, have decided to take a long, hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements on the market today - it's called Viarexin.
Inside Viarexin
Viarexin is produced by XPI Supplements, LLC of Provo, Utah and is believed to have been in existence since 2014. Their official website for Viarexin is a solid, modern and well-designed site filled with user testimonials, a standard listing of the ingredients label and a continuous stream of heavy handed marketing material. What it is not filled with is any information related to research or clinical studies that support the claims made by the product as to its overall safety and effectiveness. With regards to safety, it should be noted that some of the listed ingredients do have a history of reports stating that they could cause allergic reactions in some users.
Viarexin Ingredients
The following list of ingredients are generally accepted as safe for general consumption and are quite common among the active ingredients used by the most popular brands of male enhancement supplements. They include:
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) 20mg, Zinc (as Zinc AAC) 20mg, Tribulus Terrestris (40% Saponins) 400mg, Horny Goat Weed (10% Icariins) 100mg, Eurycoma Longifolia 100mg, Arginine AKG (2:1) 100mg, Avena Sativa 100mg, Catuaba 20mg, Yohimbine HCI 6mg and other ingredients such as Gelatin, Rice Flour and Magnesium Stearate.
User Reviews
As we previously mentioned, the official website for Viarexin contains many testimonials and user reviews and, of course a disclaimer that states that the company is does not have any data that supports the claims made by these users. The simple fact here, as any savvy consumer knows, is that operators of a products official website get to select the user reviews that will appear on its website and any affiliated retail outlets. Because of this fact, we tend to look for more independent sources of user testimonials such as unaffiliated industry websites and chat rooms dedicated to the subject.
What we found in our research was that there are many such reviews that appear to be from unbiased users who have experience with Viarexin. The overall consensus of these users is that Viarexin did not live up to the claims it has made. The most prominent sentiment among these was that the users simply did not see any notable difference in the sense of sexual drive or in the hardness or staying power of their erections.
Medical Cautions
Putting aside the fact that some of the ingredients used in the formulation of Viarexin have a long history of claims related to adverse effects on users based on allergic reactions there is no hard evidence that we could find that this product is unsafe. That said, it is always advisable to consult with a primary care physician or other qualified health professional before beginning use of this or any other similar product.
Pricing And Dosage
There are multiple options for purchasing Viarexin on their official website with discounts for the purchase of multiple bottles. The first option, of course, is for one bottle of thirty capsules and retails for $29.95. Two and three bottle discounts are offered for $54.95 and $79.95 respectively. Also the company does offer a full money-back guarantee.
The Final Conclusion
Back at the start of this review we noted that, even today in this modern era of science and medicine, most men who are reaching or even well past the age of thirty are experiencing the effects of lost testosterone and the loss of sexual drive and slowly increasing sexual dysfunction that goes with it. And, yet, many of these men will do nothing to correct this issue. But, for men who have chosen to do something to correct this problem and get back to being the man they used to be, and who have chosen to use a male enhancement supplement to help their bodies restore its ability to produce testosterone at a high level, then the only question that remains is which of the many different products out there is the right one for them.
In looking into what Viarexin has to offer we discovered few key positives and negatives. On the positive side it is clear that Viarexin bases its formula on several ingredients that are common to many of the top performing testosterone restoring male enhancement supplements. They also have an easy to find official website where the ingredients label is displayed prominently. On the negative side, their website does not offer any links to research or clinical trials that would support their claims related to effectiveness. Also, even though the website offers many testimonials and user reviews, which of course were selected by the company, the more unbiased and independent user reviews that we were able to find on other unaffiliated websites and chat rooms dedicated to the subject were not at all as positive as the approved reviews. In fact, the majority of these independent reviews were highly negative.
The bottom line here is that Viarexin may be a useful product given its list of ingredients but the lack of supporting data and the overall negative independent reviews make it very difficult to judge as one of the leading choices for a testosterone boosting male enhancement supplement.
For more information regarding high quality, top ranked testosterone boosting male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.
How Does Viarexin Compare?
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